Valuation of companies

Financial Valuation seeks to quantify the value of a company. We use several methods to obtain the best financial value of your business. These methods change based on the analysis required in each case, allowing us to adapt to your needs.


Understanding the current value of your company based on consolidated and well-founded assumptions.


  • Based on a detailed analysis and in-depth knowledge of your business, we will determine the value of your company.
  • Several methods may be used with this goal:
    • DCF is a direct valuation technique that values a company by projecting its future cash flows and then using the Net Present Value (NPV) method to value those cash flows. In a DCF analysis, the cash flows are projected by using a series of assumptions about how the business will perform in the future, and then forecasting how this business performance translates into the cash flow generated by the business—the one thing investors care the most about.
    • Comparable company analysis is a relative valuation method in which you compare the current value of a business to other similar businesses by looking at trading multiples like P/E, EV/EBITDA.


Detailed report with the valuation of your company.

Valoración de empresas